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Allow insecure content in browsers

When you want to work with Octo, the TD/OMS REST server must be running on your IBM i. Ideally, this should be a secured connection but many shops do not have an SSL certificate installed and are therefore running on http. This is not great but on a VPN or inside an office it could be acceptable.

The problem is that modern browsers don't like https sites getting date from http sites and block it by default. You will receive the 'Failed to fetch token for user' message.

To allow mixed https/http traffic we have to instruct the browser that this is allowed

CORS explained to RPG Programmers

When our customers start working with our OpenAPI Studio product to create REST services in RPG Free, they often struggle with CORS issues. This article attempts to explain CORS using concepts familiar to RPG Free programmers.

Rest API on IBM i - System i Developer Lunch and Learn

Unlock your IBM i data easily, quickly, and safely by building fully functional REST APIs that automatically generate RPG-Free routines to allow you to re-use your existing IBM i resources. We will show you how to make a REST API with Remain OpenAPI Studio based on both an existing database definition and a current RPG routine, and generate ready-to-run API's. The resulting API's are fully compatible with the OAS3 standard to allow easy and controlled access to your back-end data and routines, to allow you to expose your current assets to colleagues as you start your modernization journey.

I have issues

It is true, I'm glad we can finally talk about it. I have issues. Or rather, we have issues. And you know what, I am not ashamed to admit it. And neither should you.

How to install RDi in the latest version of Eclipse

In this blog, I am going to show you how to install IBM RDi into the latest and the greatest version of Eclipse. If you prefer to watch a video then scroll down to the end.


Blocked by an Eclipse Wizard?

There is a small but very useful patch in Eclipse 4.12 for people that do not want the UI to be blocked by wizards. There are many cases where it is desired that the underlying window can be reached WHILE the user is finishing the wizard. That's why it's strange that the Eclipse Wizard demands from us to always have full and utter attention.

DevOps strategies for your IBM i

I believe that IBM i developers can have a meaningful discussion with Java developers about the merits of DevOps. It is the case that we (IBM i devs) have for long implemented many of the "new" concepts like isolated development environments, automatic deployments, and isolated and protected production environments. When using a DevOps tool like TD/OMS, the concepts of task-based development, automated builds and deployments are also well established.

However, there are some new ideas that seem wild west at first but are amazingly effective when implemented. Let's go over some of these DevOps ideas and see how we measure up on the IBM i.